Deep capabilities driving value during each phase of a technology commercialization strategy

Virtual CTO

Many organizations outside of the software development business struggle with their technology strategy for good reason. Software engineering (just like other engineering disciplines) is complex, time-consuming, and expensive. In fact, many organizations don’t even realize that software development shops specialize in certain technologies, and not all technology stacks are appropriate for all types of projects. Some specialize in websites in WordPress, others in Magento. Some develop web apps using PHP and Python, others use Java or Ruby. Mobile app developers specialize in Android and/or iOS. Desktop apps can be written for Windows, Linux, or iOS. High-performance cloud-native apps are written for AWS or Google Cloud, or Salesforce. The list goes on.

We help organizations define requirements even before the bidding process begins, and select appropriate developers to request bids from. We drive the bidding process and take point on the implementation to facilitate the communication for both sides, set expectations, and deliver on time and budget.

Technology Commercialization

Scientific and technical innovation, especially in deeply technical areas, is most commonly done by scientists and technologists unfamiliar with the path to commercialization. Company formation, team building, fundraising, moving from science to engineering, and final product, are all soft-skill-oriented endeavors that scientists are not expected to be familiar with. Our team has successfully navigated this path on many occasions and has spun out innovation from universities, research labs, and large corporations.


The Technology Strategy Paradox: Why Those Who Need Consultants the Most, Realize It the Least

The Technology Strategy Paradox: Why Those Who Need Consultants the Most, Realize It the Least

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, it is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. Companies that fail to adapt and innovate run the risk of being left behind by their competitors. This is where technology strategy consulting can play a pivotal role...

Machine Learning Strategy

Startups and large corporations alike struggle with keeping up with the latest innovations in machine learning, and enlist our help in understanding these technologies, how these fit into their overall strategy, and how to ultimately deploy such innovation strategically.

The typical engagement consists of a seminar in which we explain and build intuition about machine learning and artificial intelligence, and how other companies and industries incorporated the technology into their business. Next, we understand our client’s needs and brainstorm opportunities that fit with their goals. Finally, we workshop ways in which machine learning could fuel exponential growth or drastically cut costs. We can also take on a project to lead the technology transition for our client to incorporate machine learning into different business units. Optionally, we also identify future strategic directions that put our client on a forward-looking trajectory and position it to benefit maximally from the latest machine learning technologies.

Fundraising Strategy

Startups and CEOs often struggle with the fundraising process, which is new to many CEOs. Our founder, Dr. Jonyer, is a long-time venture capitalist and startup operator and has a finger on the pulse of the fundraising climate at all times. We help CEOs find their voice, articulate their vision, position their product, and target the right funds or angels. We know what venture capitalists want to see in a pitch deck and presentation, and it often involves adjusting the business, not just the slides.

Case Studies

Fundraising Strategy

A startup was having a hard time with its fundraising, as its message was not resonating with top investors. We were brought in to investigate the issues and craft a winning story. We quickly identified the competitive landscape as the focus of our investigation and realized that the startup was not having luck due lack of differentiation against a competitive field. We then suggested a slight pivot to the company’s strategy to focus on their strength, and rather than pitching to address existing issues in the market, they should be creating a new market. The startup was able to close $3.4M in a new round of financing and after several additional funding rounds, it was subsequently acquired by Comcast.   

Technology Strategy for Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is a subsidiary of the famed holding company Berkshire Hathaway, and it provides real estate agent services across many regions in the United States. The company’s growth strategy is to acquire independent and smaller agencies. Technologically, this means that each new acquisition comes with its own technology stack and tools, making managing and maintaining these tools at the corporate level impossible. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices wanted to unify its technology stack by picking a single technology vendor, but lacked the ability to competently evaluate all options. We were hired to understand the technology needs of the disparate agencies and recommend a capable technology vendor.

About Sidespin Group

Sidespin Group provides software experts for litigation support, technology commercialization, investment due diligence, technology strategy, and general software analysis services in a range of specializations, including in the areas of machine learning, telecommunications, and smartphones.