Image Processing and Cameras

Smartphones have replaced many devices of the low-tech era, and they have disrupted digital photography. Today, the top differentiator of a smartphone is its camera, which is why we see 5-7 cameras now built into our mobile devices. The most intricate component of the camera is the image sensor, which continues to increase in resolution, color depth, and dynamic range. At the same time, specialized cameras are used in many new applications, such as autonomous and remote-controlled drones, and self-driving cars, both of which require very high resolution. These cameras are complemented by advanced image processing capabilities to produce ever clearer images. The intellectual property created to make these innovative devices is truly astounding and is naturally followed by legal disputes. Sidespin Group provides experts for litigation, as well as R&D services for image processing and camera sensors.

How We Help Clients

Research and Development

Advanced image processing techiques rooted in artificial intelligence are used in today’s high-value cameras. Specialized image sensors are in high demand. Our expert consultants have the experience required to help drive innovation in these areas. From requirement analysis to full design, our experts have delivered many commercial and government contracts.

Expert Witness

Our experts have helped numerous parties in patent litigation to make sense of the technologies involved. Image processing litigation is heating up as phone makers race to differentiate. We have opined on cases about video compositing, camera barcode readers, and image sensors, to name a few.

Technology Commercialization

Commercializing hardware technology requires the full skill compliment that comes with hardware R&D. We can provide full technology commercialization plans, go-to-market strategies, supply chain analysis, factory negotiations, and all other aspects of a complete commercialization plan.


The Technology Strategy Paradox: Why Those Who Need Consultants the Most, Realize It the Least

The Technology Strategy Paradox: Why Those Who Need Consultants the Most, Realize It the Least

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, it is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. Companies that fail to adapt and innovate run the risk of being left behind by their competitors. This is where technology strategy consulting can play a pivotal role...

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Case Studies

Patent Infringement

Our client, the patent owner, was in possession of video compositing patents that a top technology company was using without permission in its video streaming service. We provided expert analysis of the patents and the analysis of the streaming product to determine what aspects of the patents were infringed upon. We provided a report of expert testimony at deposition, which subsequently led to the case being settled. 

Our Experts

Dr. K., a Sidespin Group consulting expert, has been working in the area of signal and image processing for more than 30 years. He has been developing multi-sensor imaging and night vision technology both in academia and in the commercial sector. He designed the cameras flying the Predator drones for the US Military, and has extensive experience with both the design and implementation of conventional as well as biologically inspired spatial-temporal algorithms, signal, and image processing applications. He has also developed several applications in adaptive image processing for real-time image enhancement, image analysis, automatic target recognition, sensor fusion, and a range of high-performance military and commercial imaging systems.

We also provide source code reviewers with the highest credentials from top technology companies like Google and Apple.

About Sidespin Group

Sidespin Group provides software experts for litigation support, technology commercialization, investment due diligence, technology strategy, and general software analysis services in a range of specializations, including in the areas of machine learning, telecommunications, and smartphones.

Image Sensor Expert


(818) 814-8851‬
Monday – Friday

9am – 6pm PT


Our experts have opined on cases involving

Broadcom Interdigital Nortel Networks

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