
Unlock your potential. Cultivate excellence.


Startup Coaching

Transform your leadership potential with our startup CEO coaching service, led by a seasoned expert who has operated and advised multiple startups, served as a four-time venture capitalist, and excelled as a former Googler. Our coaching focuses on developing the mindset essential for startup success. Through personalized sessions, we help you cultivate resilience, strategic thinking, and visionary leadership. This isn’t just about what to do—it’s about becoming the leader your startup needs. Elevate your confidence, decision-making, and ability to inspire your team. Elevate your approach and lead your startup with clarity and purpose.

Executive Coaching

Unlock your full potential as an executive with our tailored coaching service. We focus on cultivating awareness and presence, empowering you to lead with confidence and authenticity. Enhance your strategic thinking to navigate complex business landscapes with precision. Embrace servant leadership to foster a supportive and motivated team. Achieve clarity of vision and strategy, ensuring your goals are clear and attainable. Develop agility and innovation to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market. Our coaching also emphasizes creating a culture that promotes a positive and productive workplace. Transform your leadership and drive your enterprise to new heights of success.

Our coaching services complement our strategy consulting practice, where we offer specific problem solving. Our coaching focuses on developing the leadership skills to recognize and solve leadership challenges.


The Technology Strategy Paradox: Why Those Who Need Consultants the Most, Realize It the Least

The Technology Strategy Paradox: Why Those Who Need Consultants the Most, Realize It the Least

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, it is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. Companies that fail to adapt and innovate run the risk of being left behind by their competitors. This is where technology strategy consulting can play a pivotal role...

Case Studies

Startup Coaching

Many portfolio company CEOs rely on our regular interaction to raise their game. Startups are special in that uncertainties arise from targeting new markets, building a new team, crafting a new product, working with new investors, led by a team that has not faced startup challenges in their previous roles. Our coaching has resulted in large funding rounds, great teams, exits to FAANG companies, and stellar growth.

Executive Coaching

Mid-career executives seek out our advice around career transitions, upward management, reorganization challenges, interim assignments, sudden promotion into management roles, transitioning to different industries, challenges dealing with different personalities, and so on. We have helped executives in technology, software, hardware, home decor, chemical industry, and a wide array of other verticals.

About Sidespin Group

Sidespin Group provides software experts for litigation support, technology commercialization, investment due diligence, technology strategy, and general software analysis services in a range of specializations, including in the areas of machine learning, telecommunications, and smartphones.