Streaming & Video

Streaming has become the primary way for us to consume video content. We have come a long way from the stamp-sized, low-resolution web videos of the late 1990s. All content owners and distributors now have their own streaming service, and Netflix is one of the most valuable global companies. Video streaming is putting a lot of stress on the internet infrastructure, and the industry is adapting by deploying ever more sophisticated technologies. An entire industry has matured around the need for more bandwidth, and these players amassed substantial differentiating intellectual property.  

How We Help Clients

Expert Witness

Our experts have helped numerous parties in patent litigation to make sense of the technologies involved. We have opined on cases about streaming, content distribution, edge caching, and related technologies. 

Mergers & Acquisitions

High-stakes transactions require third-party independent experts opine on critical technical aspects of the transactions.  Top experts not only bring their technical expertise to answer questions but also help drive the diligence process and define what questions to ask.

Pre-Litigation Consulting

Corporations with large IP portfolios often need help figuring out what exactly they have and how to monetize it. We have helped patent owners gauge the value of their intellectual property, and identify infringing product targets.


How to Interview Expert Witnesses for Intellectual Property Litigation

How to Interview Expert Witnesses for Intellectual Property Litigation

Interviewing expert witnesses is a crucial skill for attorneys involved in intellectual property (IP) litigation. Unlike medical or other types of expert witnesses, IP experts often delve into highly technical fields, such as software, engineering, or biotechnology....

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Tips for Experts New to Expert Witness Work

Tips for Experts New to Expert Witness Work

Sidespin Group founder and CEO Dr. Istvan Jonyer, was interviewed by the Roundtable Group in their latest podcast episode. Everyone involved in litigation has heard (or experienced) a story or two about an expert witness “rookie mistake” the expert or legal teams...

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Case Studies

Patent Portfolio Evaluation

Our client wanted to examine whether a prominent streaming service was infringing on any of its streaming and cloud computing patents, and enlisted our help. We created an exhaustive list of technologies of the target and compared them against the patent portfolio. We also drafted an initial version of the claim charts.

Our Experts

Dr. Jonyer led the media streaming investment thesis at NexStar Partners and performed technical due diligence on many startups in the space, including in image capture, pre-compression optimization, compression, transcoding, streaming quality measurement, edge caching, CDNs, multi-CDN networks, video players, cellular mobile streaming optimization, adaptive streaming (DASH, HLS), and others. Dr. Jonyer is also a filmmaker and has the perspective of a content creator and film editor. He was also the head of device partnerships at Google TV, where he became familiar with the Intel SoC’s full video pipeline.

We also provide source code reviewers with the highest credentials from top technology companies like Google and Apple.

About Sidespin Group

Sidespin Group provides software experts for litigation support, technology commercialization, investment due diligence, technology strategy, and general software analysis services in a range of specializations, including in the areas of machine learning, telecommunications, and smartphones.

Streaming video


(818) 814-8851‬
Monday – Friday

9am – 6pm PT


Our experts have opined on cases involving

Google Netflix

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