Database Systems and Data Science

Databases power data-hungry applications across the globe. We have come a long way from the first databases in the 1960s, and the first relational SQL database in 1979. Database technology has evolved to include many types of databases (SQL, NoSQL, streaming, graph, distributed, etc.) according to the diverse needs of modern software. Databases nowadays do more than just efficiently store and retrieve information. They have been extended to do data science and statistical computation, and their power is increasing continuously. This is the reason why we now need database experts with years of experience to get the most out of our database systems, as well as settle legal disputes surrounding database intellectual property.

How We Help Clients

Data Science Consulting

Data science seems to be the new name for statistics, but it means much more than that age-old science. Today’s data wranglers employ complex algorithms rooted in statistics and machine learning to hardness the oil of the information age: data. Our data science consultants have industry-leading experience and have helped top technology companies.

Due Diligence

Technical due diligence for investment, mergers, and acquisitions is critical in high-stakes transactions. With the popularity of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, many organizations falsely claim to have such advanced technologies. We can confirm.

Expert Witness

Database intellectual property is increasingly disputed in the courts, with the increase of the importance of such technologies. Sidespin Group provides expert witness services for litigation support for patent infringement and trade secret misappropriation.


How to Interview Expert Witnesses for Intellectual Property Litigation

How to Interview Expert Witnesses for Intellectual Property Litigation

Interviewing expert witnesses is a crucial skill for attorneys involved in intellectual property (IP) litigation. Unlike medical or other types of expert witnesses, IP experts often delve into highly technical fields, such as software, engineering, or biotechnology....

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Tips for Experts New to Expert Witness Work

Tips for Experts New to Expert Witness Work

Sidespin Group founder and CEO Dr. Istvan Jonyer, was interviewed by the Roundtable Group in their latest podcast episode. Everyone involved in litigation has heard (or experienced) a story or two about an expert witness “rookie mistake” the expert or legal teams...

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Our Experts

Another one of our experts is an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at a top research university. He specializes in geographic information systems, GPS, database systems, analytics, and statistics. He has research interests in database systems, computational statistics, Bayesian inference, streaming and randomized algorithms, data-intensive parallel computing, scientific databases, data science in materials research, and survey astronomy. His research has been supported by the NSF, NASA, Google, the Army Research Office, NIH, DOD, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute, among others.

About Sidespin Group

Sidespin Group provides software experts for litigation support, technology commercialization, investment due diligence, technology strategy, and general software analysis services in a range of specializations, including in the areas of machine learning, telecommunications, and smartphones.

Database Expert


(818) 814-8851‬
Monday – Friday

9am – 6pm PT


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